The Good Nature Guide

Thank you for coming to Good Nature Guide!
For Returning Readers: This is the new Good Nature Guide. My old website (which was really really new) was completely obliterated by hackers (probably bots). I underestimated the scope and powers that hackers have and also didn't think they would want or care to go after a small blog like mine. I am returing with this humbler website which I actually like a lot more. I was writing a piece on creativity and expression on the internet when my site went down back in March, and the piece focused on using old school html and css based websites using community hosting services such as Geocities and Neocities. This was a perfect excuse for me to re-design and publish my blog using Neocities. I hope to continue to write on this platform on a much less frequent basis.
For New Readers: Thank you so much for checking out Good Nature Guide! This was originally a much larger website with a lot of baggage. The idea remains the same however. Below is what I wrote for my first post explaining GNG.
Introduction - Blog (Gross)
The word ‘blog’ has always sounded gross to me. Not that I have anything against bogs or logs or blobs or anything like that. It just seems to me a disingenuous description of something that could have the potential to hold information and ideas as important as any book.
This silly aversion is no excuse to not write a blog, and I am clearly reaching for reasons to have not started one yet. You see - it is true that I am a bit of a procrastinator, a lover of experience and existing for existence sake, an idler, a slacker - whatever you want to call it - I may be it…
Or at least that’s what I’ve always told myself.
So what’s with the constant desire to create things? And then what’s with not doing it and feeling unfulfilled?
This Blog. I will say that and call it that. No more squirming away from disgusting words - I’ll embrace it. This blog; GoodNature Guide is my idea for something to break me out of my shell and to help others break out of theirs. be a place to share stories, interviews, ideas - focusing on nice people, places and things. A place to be vulnerable and non-judgemental. I want to write from my heart and don’t care if the writing is rough around the edges. That is a main theme of GoodNature Guide : Stay Vulnerable, Be Fearless. Let’s stop thinking about writing and start writing. It doesn’t have to be perfect - that will come in time. If you or someone you know would like to contribute to GoodNature Guide - please Email me.